API Documentation

Documentation for integrate LIYE.INFO API into your application or programming stage and improve signature assortment, archive filling and report the board work process.


Obtain Authentication Token by Grant Type Password
Obtains authentication token based on provided Client ID and Client Secret

	Method: POST
URL: "https://api.liye.info/v2/oauth/token"
   grant_type: 'Authentication grant type', // string
   client_id: 'Client ID', // string
   client_secret: 'Client Secret', // string
   username: , 'User name' // string User email, required for grant type 'password'
   password: , 'Password' // string Password of user account, required for grant type 'password'
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.liye.info/v2/oauth/token \
--header 'accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Response schema type: object

String token_type
Access token type. Only Bearer supported

Integer expires_in
Access token lifetime in seconds

String access_token
Access token to send with every API request

String refresh_token
Token which refreshes access token

Obtain Authentication Token by Grant Type Refresh Token
Obtains authentication token based on provided Client ID and Client Secret

	Method: POST
URL: "https://api.liye.info/v2/oauth/token"
   grant_type: 'Authentication grant type', // string
   client_id: 'Client ID', // string
   client_secret: 'Client Secret', // string
   refresh_token: // string Refresh token from other OAuth response. Can use once only, required for grant type ‘refresh_token’
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.liye.info/v2/oauth/token%20 \
--header 'accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Response schema type: object

String token_type
Access token type. Only Bearer supported

Integer expires_in
Access token lifetime in seconds

String access_token
Access token to send with every API request

String refresh_token
Token which refreshes access token


Creates a new document template by uploading file from multipart
Creates a new document template via multipart. The filename must contain integers, English letters or special characters:( ) _ . Also, the filename extension should be .pdf

	Method: POST
URL: "https://api.liye.info/v2/templates"
   file: 'File data', // string The filename extension .pdf
   name: 'File name', // string
   folder_id: 'Folder ID', // int32
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://api.liye.info/v2/templates%20?with_tags=false' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer AccessToken' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'

Response schema type: object

Integer id
String name
String type
Original document extension. Document(s) uploaded will be converted to .pdf

String status
Integer created
Integer updated
Boolean fillable
Object folder
Integer folder.folder_id
String folder.name


Original Document Download
Retrieves original document.

	Method: GET
URL: "https://api.liye.info/v2/templates/template_id/original_document"
template_id: [
   template_id: 'Template ID'// int32 Id of a template.
   Authorization: 'Access Token' // string Bearer Access Token obtained from client credentials
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.liye.info/v2/templates/template_id/original_document \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer AccessToken'

Response: OK // content data will be returned with format data to save as extention .pdf